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Er zijn 48 publicaties gevonden

The behavioural approach (INTERN)

In contemporary sports medicine, bluntly put, an injury risk factor is established and one studies what happens to the injury risk when the risk factor is reduced or expelled from…

Motor fitness in Dutch youth

differences over a 26-year period (1980-2006) (INTERN)

This study aimed to compare neuromotor fitness test scores of 9-12-year-old Dutch youth in 2006 with scores of same aged children in 1980. Body height, body weight and performance on…

Sedentary behaviors and health outcomes among adults

a systematic review of prospective studies

Dit is een systematische review van studies die zowel sedentair gedrag als gezondheidsuitkomsten bij volwassenen geïnventariseerd hebben. Er zijn alleen longitudinale studies2 meegenomen, welke het mogelijk maken om oorzaak (sedentair…

Differences in weight status and energy-balance related behaviors among schoolchildren across Europe

the ENERGY-Project

Background: Current data on the prevalence of overweight and energy-balance behaviors among European children is necessary to inform overweight prevention interventions. Methodology/Principal Findings: A school-based survey among 10-12 year old…

Physical activity and performance at school

a systematic review of the literature including a methodological quality assessment

Objective: To describe the prospective relationship between physical activity and academic performance. Studies had to report at least 1 physical activity or physical fitness measurement during childhood or adolescence. Main…

Bewegen = beter leren

de effecten van beweging op leerprestaties van kinderen

Wetenschappers en praktijkdeskundigen hebben onderzoek gedaan naar de lang- en kortdurende effecten van bewegen op de leerprestaties van kinderen. In dit pamflet worden de conclusies van dit onderzoek beschreven: Matig…

Ethnic differences in bmi among Dutch adolescents

what is the role of screen viewing, active commuting to school, and consumption of soft drinks and high-caloric snacks?

Background: The threats posed by the rising prevalence of overweight and obesity on public health have been widely acknowledged. Several population groups, which deserve special attention because of their higher…

Why did soft drink consumption decrease but screen time not?

mediating mechanisms in a school-based obesity prevention program

Objectives: This paper aims to identify the mediating mechanisms of a school-based obesity prevention program (DOiT). Methods: The DOiT-program was implemented in Dutch prevocational secondary schools and evaluated using a…